Dr. Böhm

Böhm FnT
Dr. Böhm

Dr. Böhm Electronic Organs and Kits

Pre nT era

nT models 1959 to 1974

nT models since 1974

Professional 2000

DS models since 1980

Musica Digital since 1986

Böhm links


Dr. Böhm Electronic Organs and Kits

Dr. Rainer Böhm

Dr. Böhm founded his company in 1959. He already had built some tube and neon lamp circuits for electronic organs the time before. He was the first in Europe, who had the idea to sell organs as self-built kits too. For this reason he developped a new solid state organ tone generator.

That way the first nT organs were built in 1959. The one manual BnT, the two manual CnT and DnT, and the three manual FnT were produced till 1970.

The world's best one- finger accompaniment - the BÖHMAT was introduced in 1971, followed by the four manual GnT in 1974.

Böhm Hochhaus

In 1972 the new high- rise- building of Dr.Böhm was completed.

At the end of 1974 the transistor tone generator was replaced by a modern IC generator. The nT series were equipped with new additional effects till 1978, and they still were sold till 1985.

In 1978 the Professional 2000 was released. This organ still had analogue tone generation, but it already had digital keying electronics and sound memory.

In 1979 the new DS-DIGITAL-SYSTEM was introduced. It worked with special ICs, where the sounds were produced digitally, but weren't sampled anyhow.

In 1982 Dr. Böhm sold his company. From now on the brand was called just "Böhm".

While a blaze in 1985 nearly all stocks (especially the special ICs) were destroyed. The company wasn't able anymore to provide instruments or parts, and a huge part of the organ market got lost.

In 1986 a new start was made with the new MUSICA DIGITAL series. Those instruments mainly had digital sample generation.

But because of the lost shares of the market, the firm Böhm couldn't tie on the success of the time before and went bust in 1991.

A new company took over the organ series and the brand name, and was called then "Böhm electronic MuciCreativ" (also look at the links) and produces digital organs and keyboards till today.

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Pre nT era

Before Dr. Böhm developped complete organ kits, and sold the nT series in1959, he published various wiring diagrams an self- built instructions for electronic organs.

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nT models 1959 to 1974

The following Dr. Böhm organs were built till 1974.

All organs had a sawtooth transistor tone generator with vibrato, mechanic key contacts (up to 11 contacts per key), were available in various wood cabinets and it was possible to build an organ step by step:

  • BnT - one manual with 54 keys, 13 pedals, 5 ranks
  • BnT/8 - one manual with 54 keys, 13 pedals, 10 ranks
  • BnT "sakral" - one manual with 61 keys, 25 pedals, 8 ranks
  • CnT - two manuals with 42 keys, 13 pedals, 5 ranks
  • CnT/8 - two manuals with 42 keys, 13 pedals, 10 ranks
  • DnT - two manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, 9 ranks
  • DnT/C - two manuals with 61 keys, 25 pedals, 9 ranks
  • FnT - three manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, 9 ranks

Besides you got reverb units, pedal sustain, sustain, hawaii effect, chorusvibrato, Formantglissando, special effects with Percustain and electronc drums for all organs. All organs were available without the bottom part with the speakers, too. Some rotating speakers cabinets were also available.

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nT models since 1974

Dr. Böhm organ studio in Minden

From summer 1974 on the following Dr. Böhm organs were built.

All organ had the new square/ sawtooth IC tone generators with vibrato, mechanic key contacts (up to 11 contacts per key), were available in various wood and imitation leather cabinets and it was possible to build an organ step by step:

  • BnT - one manual with 54 keys, 13 pedals, 6 ranks
  • BnT/L - one manual with 54 keys, 13 pedals, 10 ranks
  • BnT "sakral" - one manual with 61 keys, 25 pedals, 8 ranks
  • CnT - two manuals with 42 keys, 13 pedals, 6 ranks
  • CnT/L - two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, 10 ranks
  • CnT/L3 - three manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, 10 ranks
  • DnT - two manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, 10 ranks
  • DnT/C - two manuals with 61 keys, 25 pedals, 10 ranks
  • FnT - three manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, 11 ranks
  • GnT - four manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, 11 ranks
  • Bordcase - one manual with 32 keys, 10 ranks, as flight case organ
  • BÖHMAT Compact - one finger accompaniment unit with electronic drums

Besides, Dr. Böhm sold sine drawbar units, reverb, the one finger accompaniment unit Böhmat, pedal sustain, sustain, Synthemat, hawaii effect, chorusvibrato, Formantglissando and special effects with Percustain for all organs.

Speakers, rotating speakers cabinets, mixers and reccords were also sold.

A huge church organ console with speakers cabinet on the top was available for the DnT.

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Professional 2000

The Professional 2000 was the transistion from analog to digital. It was built from 1977 to 1985.

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DS models since 1980

From 1980 on the following Dr. Böhm organs were built.

They all had the new digital system with up to 16 ranks, Chorusvibrato, electronic keying (means only ONE contact for each key), Strings-Orchester, DS-Synthesizer, active sine wave filters, they were available in different wood and venyle cabinets and it was possible to build an organ step by step:

  • TOP SOUND DS - two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, 8 ranks
  • STAR SOUND DS - two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, 12 ranks
  • ORCHESTER DS2002 - two manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, 16 ranks
  • ORCHESTER DS3003 - three manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, 16 ranks
  • Hobbyton - one pin manual with 20 "keys", monophon, beginners toy
  • BENJAMIN (from 1982) - one manual with 49 keys, 3 ranks
  • DUO STAR (from 1983) - one manual with 61 keys, ancestor of a MIDI standard masterkeyboard for connecting to the DS organs (Böhm standard)

Besides all organs had sine drawbars, reverb, the new Böhmat, pedal sustain, Multi Contour Computer, Magic Soloist, an electronic Leslie simulator and sine presets.

Speakers, amplifiers, mixers and reccords were also sold.

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Musica Digital since 1986

From 1986 on the following Dr. Böhm organs were built.

They had almost all digital sample tone generation, the Böhm Music Computer (BMC) with display and MIDI and were available in different wood cabinets and as a kit:

  • Hobbyton - one pin manual with 20 "keys", monophon, beginners toy
  • MUSICA DIGITAL 100 - one manual with 61 keys, 13 pedals
  • MUSICA DIGITAL 500 (T) - two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals
  • MUSICA FUTURA 520 - (from 1989) two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, BMC
  • DOUBLE KEY 520 - (from 1989) two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals BMC
  • MUSICA DIGITAL 600/610 - (from 1989) two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, BMC
  • MUSICA DIGITAL 800 (T) - two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, BMC
  • MUSICA DIGITAL 810 XL - (from 1989) two manuals with 49 keys, 13 pedals, BMC
  • MUSICA DIGITAL 1000 - (from 1989 auch XL) two manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, BMC
  • MUSICA DIGITAL 1030 - (from 1989 auch XL) two manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals, BMC
  • SACRAL 3000 - (from 1989) two manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals
  • SACRAL 4000 - (from 1989) two manuals with 61 keys, 30 pedals
  • DYNAMIC 12/14 - Expander, 294 sounds
  • MD 519 - (from 1989) expander, 36 sounds and 16 rhythms
  • MD 800 XL- (from 1989) expander, 80 sounds and 128 rhythms
  • DYNAMIC 4x9 - (from 1989) expander, 199 sounds
  • MIDI KEY - MIDI master keyboard with 61 keys
  • MIDI KEY III - (from 1989) MIDI master keyboard with 61 keys
  • MIDI Pedal - (from 1989) MIDI pedal with 13 keys
  • MIDI KEY P61/P92 - (from 1989) MIDI master keyboard with 61 or 92 keys
  • DIGITAL DRUMS - digital drums, optional with accompaniment
  • DIGI-ROCKY - digital drums, modern rhythms
  • DIGI-MUSIC - digital drums, classic rhythms
  • DIGITAL DRUMS DD 19 - digital drums, MIDI

Speakers, amplifiers, mixers, reccords and (!) computers were also sold.

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Böhm links

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